Tampa Network Re-Cap

By: David Melendez

The personal challenges of planting a church

Proverbs 13:12 “Hope differed makes the heart sick.”

How do you deal with the disappointment of expectations?


How do you respond when you don’t reach your goals?

>> Beware of the pitfalls of your personality type. All ahead – or – the planner? Don’t let your greatest gift become your biggest liability. You will burn out or become frustrated and walk away. So how are you wired?

>> Find balance. (Vision, goal setting, hard work vs. reality, circumstances & trust)

>> Release the obstacles not under your control. Learn patience. (People letting you down, the reality of the process…)

The promise -- Hab. 2:3

>> Focus on being a finisher. The way to survive is not to focus on quick snapshots. Focus on trends!!!