Sunday in the Rearview

Today at Church of the Suncoast we had our 49th service. In two weeks we celebrate our 1-year birthday... WOW! That is crazy to think about for me. Here I am a 28-year old guy who had a crazy dream. Left a good paying job at an established church. Was told I was nuts. Only raised $17,000 to launch. And here I sit talking about "my" church that I am the "pastor" of... still a little strange sometimes. My friend Paul at Relevant Church kind of put it in perspective for me last Monday. There were 5 churches represented at our network gathering that combined has about 1,000 people attending. ALL of these churches didn't exist 2 years ago at this time!

Today we hit our average for this year so far attendance wise. We had 95. Our new promotion idea that is detailed under this seemed to give us some residual bounce. Not as much as a big mailer, but some. Still waiting on the exact number of first time guests. It was a great Sunday all the way around though. Counting down for Easter. We are doing a series called "Live in HD" It's all about how to live in High Definition because of the cross. We are praying for 200 people. We have hit 150+ now twice and gained about 20 people each time. Praying for more of the same!