The Numbers

Yesterday at Church of the Suncoast was a day for the numbers... Here is why church planting is so hard to find trends in the numbers.

We had terrible adult numbers, been a while since we were that low!

We had close to record children's numbers!

We had a terrible offering!!!

We had 12 first time guests! Normally, we have about 6 or 7 per week.

So what does that mean? Who knows. Here is what I have learned finally after 3 years of this. Watch the numbers. Look for trends. Find patterns. BUT, don't kill yourself over them! Was I bummed after the two services yesterday that could have fit into one. YES! Did I want to go out and find a "real" job. Yes. As a church planter you always take the numbers personal.

BUT, the vision is still here. Lives are still being changed, like crazy change is going on. People heading for hell are now heading to spend forever with their Heavenly Father. God still provides and I am not going to kill myself over the numbers. Numbers are important, but reading beyond them is sometimes even more important.

Hang in there these summer months church leader!

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