We recently did our first church wide survey at Church of the Suncoast. You can see what we did here:

Survey Sunday

After compiling the data here were a few of the results that we found interesting. Note that we broke up the results into two categories. Regulars and Guests.
  • 16% of our regulars said they were "Someone seeking about God / Jesus
  • 22% of our guests said they were "Someone seeking about God / Jesus
  • 11% of our regulars also said they were a "New Christ-follower"
  • 19% of our regulars said their church background was "None"
  • 22% of our guests said their church background was "None"

One surprise from the first section was the number of ex-Baptist we had for both regulars and guests.

One that kind of caused us to take a look at how do things was 77% of the guests felt they were "Welcomed and it felt positive" with the rest feeling over-welcomed or under welcomed.

Most people, guests and regulars, first impressions were about it being warm, comfortable, friendly people and a cool atmosphere.

82% of regulars and guests thought the music at the Suncoast was well done even if they don't always like the style.

One that hit me personally is 9% of our regulars and 22% of our guests thought my messages were "Average, sometimes they are good". Still digesting how to make that better.

74% of our regulars have taken a "Next step" at the Suncoast in the past 6-months AND 94% said the Suncoast helps them "Know God better and that is why they keep coming back". "Serving" was also most people's next step.

89% of our regulars knew what was going on and said our communication was good.

The majority of our regulars and guests said our Coastal Kids Ministry is "Awesome, and helps my kids".

Most people came to the Suncoast from: Invites / Sunday Road Signs / Billboards (when we had them in 2008)

The overall church rating given by regulars was: 8.7 (1-10)

The overall church rating given by guests was 7.6 (1-10)

That was interesting to me. Seems we are an acquired taste??? But all in all the first survey was a positive experience I think. It gave people a chance to be heard and gave us some feedback to let us know if we are helping people take their next steps with God.

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