Dear Suncoast Family,
When I was just a little kid, God began planting the dream for the Suncoast in my heart. I had a tree house that my dad and I built that served as the “church” building for my friends who played church with me. Six years ago, my wife Cheryl and I, along with a small group of nine people, set out to create relevant environments in which God could work. We started the Suncoast from literally nothing in a tiny daycare off of SR 54 near the Suncoast Parkway. Over the next couple of years, we bounced around from school to school until we finally landed at our current location at Rushe Middle School. Since then, we have rode the wave, and crash, of the local economy and housing market. For six years, through the ups and downs, we have tried to create relevant environments in which God can work in leased facilities doing what we call “portable” church. Today, it is time to take “The Next Step.” The Next Step is our first capital campaign where we are asking each other to step up and fund our next step into a permanent facility. The following information will hopefully be helpful in understanding this faith journey we are about to embark on. But, remember this is not about concrete, paint and steal. A building is not the church. You are the church! The people are the church, and we are simply here to create the NEXT relevant environments in which even more people will take their next steps with God through His Son Jesus! Read on, and I love my church!
Pastor Brian :-)
To transform two 4,000 sq ft warehouse spaces off of Gunn Hwy in Pasco County into a theater style auditorium for Sunday services, spacious lobby with café and plenty of comfy seats, and dedicated children’s space with a huge play land! The continuing vision, phase two, would be acquire the remaining warehouse bay for church offices and ministry center to serve those in need. This would be our permanent home for the next decade!
The total amount we need to raise to install A/C, run electrical, build new restrooms, construct walls, purchase kids equipment, paint, and freshen up our sound system and more is: $120,000.
The campaign idea is 120 in 120. That is, we will raise $120,000 in 120 days so that we can open for a big fall launch! To break down such a big number like $120,000, think of it like this. We need just 100 people to contribute $1,200 over the next 4 months above and beyond our normal giving. Some can and will give more as God leads, but breaking it down like this is something we all can do if we try. On April 29th we want to give all we can!
The campaign schedule looks like this:
4.1 - 4.29 Pray and set aside money in the provided envelopes.
4.29 First Steps Offering (So work can begin)
4.29 - 7.29 Continued giving to campaign, work begins!
August 2012(ish) Fall kick off in our own building with no debt!
The Bible says without faith it is impossible to please God! This next step will require and stretch our faith like never before. It is a lot like the Hebrew people as they stood on the doorstep of the Promised Land. Two of the ten spies that scouted the land came back and with faith boldly said this, “If the LORD is pleased with us, he will lead us into that land, a land flowing with milk and honey, and will give it to us.” Numbers 14:8 In other words:
If the Lord is pleased,
He will meet the needs!
Accomplishing this vision will take big faith, it will take everyone being all in, but that pleases God. Being so passionate about reaching people pleases God. We trust God to meet our needs!
Will you commit to praying for our Next Step at the Suncoast for the NEXT 120 days?
- Pray for God’s favor and “favors” as we continue to get estimates.
- Pray about what amount God would have you give on April 29th.
- Pray about what God would have you give the remaining 90 days.
- Pray that our volunteer work and contracted work goes smooth.
- Pray for God to abundantly bless us with all the resources we need!
- Pray for our Grand Opening and Launch in the new building.
- Pray God uses this to reach hundreds of new people!
- Pray we don’t get comfortable and lazy once we have our own space.

To give to the Next Steps campaign, please use the special envelopes on Sundays, or you can mail your donation to:
Church of the Suncoast
PO Box 1031 Odessa, FL 33556
(Please add "Next Step" to the memo)
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