As Promised...

As promised here are all the things I wanted to post but didn't because I was out of town.

1. Ten Things
I was going to make a list of the 30 things I have learned in 30 years since I just turned 30 on Dec 23, but I don't think I have learned 30 yet so here are ten.
  • God has never let me down when I trusted Him with my money. NEVER! Too many stories to tell about God's faithfulness.
  • To have friends you have to be a friend. Thank you mom for teaching me this one.
  • Life is NOT fair. Thank again mom for this one. Fairness stopped in the Garden!
  • God most often uses you in the interruptions of life. Never be too busy to change a tire, respond to an e-mail, or listen to a elderly person.
  • Just because you can doesn't mean you should!
  • Enjoy it while you can!
  • Let other people help you.
  • When I am weak, HE is strong.
  • Date your wife!!!
  • Leadership is more caught than taught.

2. Christmas Eve @ the Suncoast
On Christmas Eve we had two identical services and it was cool to see God fill both. We had 162 in attendance with A LOT of “regular” people out of town. I really think we could have had 200 people if more had stayed in town. One person accepted Christ!!! And, we met our Christmas Offering goal of $8,000. Go God! The services I think were the best we have ever done at the Suncoast from start to finish they rocked it.

3. My Trip to NewSpring
Over the break Cheryl and I kind of ran into NewSpring in Anderson, SC and they had a 6pm service so we went. We had been looking at waterfalls all day up in the mountains. The service was a re-cap of all the God did there in 2008 and it was awesome! Those guys are probably one of the top three churches in America right now in my book with all they have going on and with their vision and direction. I met Lee Mcderment, their worship leader, and their executive pastor for a minute or two. Nice guys. Seems like they still care about the up and coming churches like the Suncoast.

4. New Series – Sex & the Suburbs
THIS Sunday we kick off a new series called “Sex and the Suburbs” and I am expecting big things from this deal. Don’t miss it! That’s all I am saying! We also are launching a new website for it called:

See you Sunday @ 10am at Rushe Middle School

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