Too Much for Me

Thought I would take a minute to let every church leader out there know that right now there is just too much for me. I am in over my head. I can't do it. Does that sound like you? Let me explain:

We have several families right now at our church that just need a lot of help. I won't go into all the details but financially, emotionally, even legally just a lot of need! Can't do it, too much for me.

We are about to have our Fall Launch for 2009 on September 13th and there is just too much to do and keep track of.

Financially... our church has $900 in the checking account (Thank God we have some back up money we saved from the good economic times) but that is the reality right now, that is a lot of pressure.

The stress of starting a church from nothing 3 years ago and trying to get to the point where everything doesn't rise and fall on me has proved too much for me.

NOW, before you think I am crying a story to you, THIS IS NOT THAT!!! My point is simply to reach out to every pastor and church leader right now and say, "Are you there too? Is it more than you can do? Is it too much for you too?" Perfect! No really, perfect.

I am reminded daily that I am not a good enough leader, preacher, vision caster, and boss. Not to mention husband and Christ-Follower. But, I am convinced that is where we need to be more often. To be honest the amount of "Know it All" self-promoting church leader / bloggers is nauseating me these days, and I think it also nauseates our God!

I can't do it all, be it all, know it all and I would never lead someone to believe I did. The intro to my blog says I am a church planter that hasn't arrived yet and I think that is a good thing because that means I have to depend on Jesus for everything!!!

So if you feel like it is all too much for you, you are right! It is too much for me too. Let's encourage each other to depend on Jesus even more and know that He has great things in store for us. He never said it would be easy or that we would not want to throw in the towel. But don't. He is able to do far more than we ever think possible.


Hal Hunter said...

I am constantly reminded of the truth of this- whether we know it or not, we are not able to control things. From time to time, we think we are on top of things, and that is the time we are most vulnerable and when we have to be most careful. We have to be constantly surrendering control and direction, and listening to what God is telling us, and remembering how little we are capable of without Him

Brian A. Moon said...

Good word Hal! I know there has to be some people out there who need that reminder today.

Dave said...

I know that the time when we are most dangerous to ourselves and others, is when we are most comfortable!!

Brian A. Moon said...

I agree, it is only by God's grace anything good ever happens in my life and that is not always a fun place. I am 100% in need of His grace, but sometimes we don't like how it is dispensed :-)