Getting Ready for Drive 08

This week is a little crazy for the staff of Church of the Suncoast. We are trying to cram next weeks work all into this week since we are leaving Sunday afternoon after church for the Drive Conference.

Doesn't it always seem like doing stuff like this is not worth the hassle until you get up there and you can step out of the daily grind for a day or two? I know the best ideas and new initiatives always come about as a result of trips like this. Last year we took everyone to C3 in Dallas and God really did a lot since everyone was new. It was our first staff, so God did a lot to bring us together as a team.

Please be praying for us!

If you are a church leader who reads this blog and you are going to Drive shoot me an e-mail and let's hook up. I would love to ask you some questions about how you are doing church.

Stay tuned for some notes from Drive next week and maybe even some pictures :-)

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