C3 (Creative Church Conference) NOTES

Here are the notes from day one of the C3 conference:
C3 Session 1 >> Ed Young Jr.

How to turn what if into what is?

On Stage – Giant staircase… represents what if as you go up and then what is. Up and up and up. If only it was that easy.

From the early days of Fellowship: DELEGATION > What it is not – Relegation (out of sight, out of mind) Delegation without investigating is merely relegation.

Back to the staircase, what if thoughts. All starts with delegating. Without creating space you can’t be creative and move from what if to what is. Climbing the staircase is just steps of delegation and then investigating. Asking what if’s (ideas) and letting others turn it into what is.

Biblical examples – The Garden, to Jesus, to the disciples, to us as church leaders.

What keeps us from really delegating?

The three C’s >>>

C – onflict. It has to happen. Deal with it. Ask the hard questions. Do the investigating.

C – haos. It’s messy. We all have our pride. No one can do it like me.

C – arnage. There will be causalities. If someone isn’t working out, first move them. If that doesn’t work, let them go! “The moment people stop leaving is the moment you stop leading.” As you climb the steps people will leave. Volunteers and staff. Don’t chase them!!! Little people with little vision will attack big people with big vision. Is there any truth in their criticism and then let it go! Keeps us on what is step.

What do you need to keep? – (1) The Vision. You have to own it. (2) Team building. (3) Organization of the organization. (4) Investigation.

Who do you delegate to? Someone that can do it the same, faster, or better than you. In certain areas. Staff to your weakness. Delegate to people that “Get it!” (The Vision) You can tell by delegating on the micro level and then you will see if that can handle the macro. [Character qualities – Someone that has gone through a struggle with you, but now on your side. Strong relational track record. Unselfish people. Why not person.

How do you delegate? Staff meeting. Ask questions >> Is it growing? What needs to be investigated? Make phony phone calls to church J People do what you inspect not what you expect.

Why do you delegate? To be able to reach our potential. Because leadership is a marathon. We need margin and we need space for a day off, time off, time just to think and be creative.
QUESTION? Are you in the shallow end or the deep end of delegation?
C3 Session 2 >> Craig Groschel

“You are an idiot”

The goal: Answer one question, ask us three.

Who does God most often use to turn what if into what is: God uses insecure, risk taking, pain enduring idiots.

Acts Chapter 4 verse 13.

They were ordinary and unschooled. Literal – idiots!!! When Jesus picked His followers He picked the poor, the unschooled, and the powerless. He didn’t call any educated people. Man’s system screws up God’s work.

God uses the insecure. In ministry we believe it’s all Him, but we believe it’s all us. We need to be careful not to take blame in the decline because we might take credit in the increase. Don’t ever become good.

Question #1 > In what area of ministry have you become dangerously good in your own knowledge and abilities?

God uses risk takers. To really follow Jesus you have to live in perpetual state of discomfort. We have to become comfortable being uncomfortable. Ministries are built on risk after risk after risk. God honors small unusual obedience.

Hebrews 11:6

You want to hear, “What a dumb idea.” Worry when you don’t hear that.

Question #2 > What faith risk is God calling you to take?

God uses pain enduring people. We have a warped view that God just wants to take away our pain. God’s goal is not comfort and safety. Embrace the pain. Embrace the pain. Embrace the pain.

If you are truly following Jesus you won’t feel less pain, but more! The difference between where you are and where God wants you to be is the pain you have to endure. Your ministry will never outgrow your threshold for pain.

We have to learn to play hurt. Let them talk about you. Get up and point them to Jesus.

Question #3 > What painful decision have you been avoiding?

Final thought: “The way I was doing the work of God was destroying God’s work in my life” – Bill Hybels.
Don’t be a full time pastor and a part time follower of Jesus Christ.
C3 Session 3 >> Mark Driscoll

1 Corinthians 15:1-4

What is the Gospel? It is continual and to be proclaimed, it is personal, it is essential, it is central, eternal, it is Christ centered, penile, substitutional, Biblical, eschatological, (Big Words Guy).

Two enemies: Religion (believers) and idolatry (pagans). If you don’t break the first 2 commandments you won’t break the others. Everyone worships something. Idolatry lies. Leaves us frustrated. We turn good things into God things to escape our “hell.”

How do your know them (Idols)? Biggest fear? Long for? Where do you run? What do you complain about, makes you angry, makes you happy? How do you describe yourself? What makes you angry at God? What do you brag about? What do you want more than anything else? What do you sacrifice for? What would you change? Who’s approval are you seeking? What do you want to control? What comfort do you treasure the most?

Enemy two: Religion. “If you obey God will love you.” – Religion. “Because I love you, you can now obey” – Gospel. It’s not about what we do; it is about what He has done. It’s not about getting God to do stuff for us. Religion is about me, the Gospel is about Jesus.

Religion ends up in two places. In ends in pride or despair.

C3 Session 4 >> Dr. Ed Young Sr.

What do we do when someone pushed you into the deep end of ministry?

Isaiah 54:2

The problem: We don’t know where we are or where we are going.

The solution: From Isaiah - Enlarge your tent, strengthen your stakes and lengthen your cords.

A. Strengthen your stakes…

#1 Strengthen your theology. We have a product – Good News. We have a mission statement – Great Commission. We have a marketing strategy – Acts 1:8. We make a profit – changed lives, new people.

#2 Strengthen our Ecclesiology > Teaching, communion, fellowship, prayer. A church is a fellowship, a flock, a family, a body, a bride (of Christ).

#3 Strengthen your eschatology > We should be beautiful (facilities). Shows an indication of the inward reality.

B. Lengthen our cords…

#1 Begins with worship. Where it begins but not the most important.

#2 Children’s and Students are the most important. Most under attack. Only 2 out of 8 of “Church” kids (our own kids) make it to salvation by age 22. Children’s ministry makes or breaks a church no matter what is going on in the service.

Get a reputation for taking care of kids you will have to lengthen your cords.