T-shirt and the Post Office

One of the many things we do promotion wise here at the Suncoast is give away free Church of the Suncoast t-shirts. We have given away over 350 shirts in our short 18 month history. We get them locally here in the Bay Area for about $7 a piece and they have proven to be very effective. Since we have done about 5 different variations I have just about a shirt for every day of the week and since I have to wear something, I can usually be found wearing a Suncoast shirt.

This week I was reminded of why. As I was dropping off baptism certificates at the post office a lady who was behind me in line stopped me and asked about the church. She lived in the area and wanted to find a place where they didn't have to be members to attend. Wow! It just reminded me of why we started this church and why I proudly wear my Suncoast t-shirts.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I happen to be sporting my latest suncoast shirt today. No questions about it, but I put it on intending to direct whomever asked right down I4 for about an hour and a half.