Teachable Moment from the Warehouse

Church of the Suncoast has been in the process of building out a 2,400 square foot warehouse into office, storage, and meeting space for Community Groups, students, volunteers... It has been a lot of work.

At our last management team (staff) meeting on Monday I confessed to our team that we dropped the ball on this one. As I was working on Saturday I realized we have not included volunteers into this project. Maybe one or two, but we could have had a lot of this stuff done by people in the church. It would have been a great project to even include people who have not stepped up yet to volunteer. Bottom line is we blew it.

Here is what I told them and what I am realizing. We have a great staff of "whatever it takes, get 'r done, people" but part of the danger of that is we don't reach out and include other people. We used this as a teachable moment at the meeting.

Honestly, it is easier to do it yourself sometimes. AND, many times you get it done faster, and of course how you want it. BUT, that does not make it better. When we go that route we miss out on moments to help people take their next step with God by serving His church. You miss out on bringing up the next generation of leaders. And, you miss out on some fun.

As we learn to bring people along I hope you will look for areas in your church where you can do things together! No task is too small to get someone to do it for you :-)

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